Signed Books Available

Christies Celebrate The Professor Sir Albert Richardson Collection
Did you know you can purchase signed copies of my books directly from me? Well, if not, now you do. I keep a handful of the books found below in stock on my personal shelves, and I will sign and ship them anywhere!

Signed books available and prices below (Click to view on Amazon)…

The Black Kiss (appropriate for all ages)
Pink Planet (Adult themed XXX/ Bizarro Fiction)
SELRES_4d680b6c-f31f-4974-8007-ce5dbc36eea3SELRES_4f2cd056-ecaf-4654-831d-221c967aad9fSELRES_80ae7b3b-db87-4c5b-9d80-586a9c9a34a9Globster Time MachineSELRES_80ae7b3b-db87-4c5b-9d80-586a9c9a34a9SELRES_4f2cd056-ecaf-4654-831d-221c967aad9fSELRES_4d680b6c-f31f-4974-8007-ce5dbc36eea3  (Bizarro Fiction/Science Fiction/ Adult)

1 for 14$
2 for 20$
3 for 30$

Shipping included anywhere in the U.S.

Outside the U.S.? I’ll still ship them just add 4$

Paypal ( with titles and appropriate dollar amount (preferably as a gift but whatever), along with a shipping address where I can ship your item. Have special shipping instructions? Include them, too, or feel free to email me at the address above.
